Sara's Profile
including adults.

Sara Vitorovic
Sara Vitorovic
Sara is open-minded and empathic person, always helping pupils that are rejected, marginalized or have issues with integration. She is a strong advocate against bullying. Sara has strong aptitude in conflict resolution, demonstrating several times in her classroom that she is able to calm down a distressed child. In one occasion, the teacher allowed Sara to accompany a distressed peer outside the class.
As Sara changed countries twice and changed schools already four times, she has quite some experience with integration. That allowed Sara to be one of the speakers for “Integration Lifehacks for Switzerland” Eden-Well program.
Sara is a polyglot, speaking Serbian, English, French and currently learning German. She plays guitar and attends a swimming school.
- Attended elementary school in Serbia (Belgrade)
and Switzerland (Fribourg, Lausanne)
- Ambassador @ Eden-Well
- Managing stress situations among peers in her school